Frequently Asked Questions

(Policies & Procedures for Patients of Dr. Lewis)

Which services provided by Dr. Lewis are covered, and which require out-of-pocket payments?

Services that are not covered by OHIP are called “Uninsured Services” and these services require out-of-pocket payments. The Ontario Medical Association publishes a guide regarding uninsured services and it states “OHIP does not pay for all services that you request from your physician(s). Services that OHIP does not pay for are called ‘uninsured services’ and it is illegal and fraudulent for physicians to bill OHIP for them.” Therefore, you will find that some services, like the completion of forms for school or work, require a payment out of pocket. Most common services such as consultations and follow-up appointments are “insured” services and do not require out-of-pocket payments.

Information about which services are uninsured, associated fees and payment instructions can be downloaded here.

Why are the amounts charged by Dr. Lewis different from the OMA guidance?

Dr. Lewis is committed to providing the highest quality care and personalized attention to all patients. The OMA provides guidance on fees for uninsured services, but these are recommendations and not mandatory. The specific fees charged by Dr. Lewis reflect the time, expertise, and resources required to deliver the specialized care and services that are tailored to each patient's unique needs.

In setting fees, Dr. Lewis considers factors such as the complexity of the service, the time involved, and the administrative costs associated with providing high-level care. This approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive and thorough care while allowing Dr. Lewis to maintain the standards of excellence that are integral to his practice.

Patients are encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns regarding fees directly with our office. We are committed to transparency and will work with you to ensure you fully understand the costs associated with your care.

Can fees for uninsured services change?

Yes, fees for uninsured services are subject to change at any time without notice. Ensure to check the fee list every few months for rates and fees.

How do I pay for an uninsured service?

Refer to our payment instructions to learn how to pay for uninsured services. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic.